The Proposal
Colinsburgh, Fife
Kirkwood Homes Consulation Website
Kirkwood Homes submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PoAN) to Fife Council on 22nd September 2022 for a proposed residential development of approximately 50 houses, including 15 affordable, with associated infrastructure, access, landscaping, drainage, SUDS (Sustainable Urban Draingage System) and open space on land south of Main Street, Colinsburgh.
The PoAN was registered by Fife Council on the same date under reference 22/03242/PAN and is the first public stage in the preparation of an application for planning permission. In advance of submission of an application, Kirkwood Homes are seeking comments on the draft development proposals.
The last review of the Local Development Plan (FIFEplan 2017) reported the view of the local community that the village needed to grow to sustain the local school, shops and amenities. Further expansion of the settlement was therefore encouraged and a number of sites were identified for residential allocation to provide an appropriate level of growth. The proposed development is located on site COB001 as allocated in FIFEplan which has been adopted by Fife Council.
FIFEplan identifies a 30% affordable housing requirement for developments within the St Andrews Local Housing Market Area, which includes Colinsburgh. As such, 15 of the proposed units will be affordable.
When proposing the allocation, the Local Development Pan (FIFEplan) identified the following development requirements and green network priorities for the site:
- Primary access to be taken from the B942.
- Establish a high-quality landscape edge along the eastern and southern boundaries to incorporate new habitat and SUDS provision to include native planting and wildflower grassland adjacent to the farmland.
- Extend the existing Maryfield Terrace play area adjacent to the site to provide an area of kick about space and provide high quality development edges overlooking the play area.
- Provide high quality development edges to Main Street and Maryfield Terrace.
These requirements and priorities have helped to inform our draft development proposals.